“Making use of unfavorable conditions was taught by venerable Machig. To consider adversity as a friend is the instruction of Chöd.”
~ Machig Labdrön
- This specific practice was transmitted by Lama Tsering Wangdu Rinpoche
- It is one practice that forms part of a larger Chöd practice called the Rinchen Trengwa, Precious Garland.
- The Rinchen Trengwa is the most complete collection of Chöd practices we have, directly from the tradition of Machig herself.
- This Chöd lineage originated from the 3rd Karmapa in Tibet and was introduced to Bhutan and established at Druk Zangri Khamar in the 1950’s. Known as our ‘sister center’ across the world, it has been the place for many recent pilgrimages for Lama Tsultrim and the Tara Mandala community, to ensure that we help preserve the life of this practice and teachings.
- Through Druk Zangri Khamar, Bhutan, we have the closest possible connection to Machig Labdrön and her legacy.
To read more about the Rinchen Trengwa, see below.
- Dive into key sections of the practice, including visualizations
- Reflect on the inner meaning of the teachings embedded in this powerful practice
- Revisit melodies, drum rhythms, and mudras
- Address any of your questions
- Engage in joyful community through shared practice, dialogue, and a closing tsog
To learn more, click here »
Precious Garland of Jewels
The Rinchen Trengwa compiles Chöd’s rich and complex history into one resource. It is an immeasurable gift, empowered with blessings, and an indispensable tool in transforming today’s suffering. How did this great practice come together?
At the time of the 3rd Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339), Machig’s lineage of Chöd had become extremely famous. He compiled the various versions of Chöd being practiced at the time, into one great practice. Later, the 8th Karmapa, Mikyö Dorje (1507-1554) composed poetry on severance (“cutting of the ego”), which was interwoven into the Rinchen Trengwa. Finally, Karma Chakme (1613-1678) made invaluable contributions to the Rinchen Trengwa, dividing it into parts and adding useful descriptions and additions.

We would like to remind you of two Dentog Chigma digital downloads to support your practice. Please note that these are restricted support materials, and are for practitioners who have already received the transmission and instruction for the Dentog Chigma. Browse items below.
With Lama Wangdu Rinpoche
Recording of Lama Wangdu Rinpoche doing the Dentog Chigma Chöd (The Chöd Instruction: The Method for Accomplishment on One Seat) practice.
Video Length, 59 min
Downloadable MP4 File, 760 MB
With Lama Wangdu Rinpoche
Audio recording of Lama Wangdu Rinpoche doing the Dentog Chigma Chöd (The Chöd Instruction: The Method for Accomplishment on One Seat) practice.
Audio Length, 50min
Downloadable MP3 File, 60 MB
We invite you to join us for a day honoring Machig’s core lineage practice, and sharing our experiences on the path of Dentog Chigma.
~With Blessings,
Tara Mandala