With H.E. Chung Tulku Rinpoche
July 22 - August 26, 2020
With H.E. Chung Tulku Rinpoche
Special Virtual Teachings
With heartfelt gratitude, Tara Mandala is fortunate to share that H.E. Chung Tulku Rinpoche will offer teachings virtually on the Heart Sutra, the most important Mahayana Sutra, centered around the Prajñaparamita teachings that deal with awakening to emptiness. The wisdom of emptiness is the way of perceiving all life and experience with the unconditioned mind that is not distorted by our opinions and beliefs. Such insight gives us a sense of spaciousness, freedom, and harmony.
H.E. Chung Tulku Rinpoche will offer teachings via Zoom on Wednesdays morning for six (6) consecutive weeks — see the specific dates below.
Teaching Dates & Times
Times below are listed in Mountain Time
- July 22 from 9:00am – 11:00am MT
- July 29 from 9:00am – 11:00am MT
- August 5 from 9:00am – 11:00am MT
- August 12 from 9:00am – 11:00am MT
- August 19 from 9:00am – 11:00am MT
- August 26 from 9:00am – 11:00am MT
If you are attending from another time zone, please know that recordings will be made available by 8pm MT daily so you can review missed sessions.
Please use this link to see how this daily schedule translates into your timezone.
Who Can Attend?
- This offering is open to all, however, we encourage you to read below about the nature of this learning modality.
What are Virtual Teachings?
Virtual Teachings are unique opportunities where Tara Mandala provides access to dharma teachings by prominent Tara Mandala and guest teachers through an easy-to-use online platform (Zoom). Unlike our Virtual Retreats, Virtual Teachings occur in non-consecutive days and do not follow the rigor of a full day of retreat sessions (no multiple sessions on the same day). In addition, at this time this modality does not include practice sessions outside of the teaching sessions on the dates listed above.
This modality of learning is appropriate for practitioners who are able to create for themselves a practice container of their own, setting aside a dedicated retreat space, removing as much as possible from social media, and taking care of necessities with the mind of compassion in action for the specific dates and times that the teachings occur.
Each teaching session will include a portion for Q&A where participants are encouraged to ask the teacher about any inquiries connected to specific practices taught.
These teachings are meant to be attended live given that direct transmission and empowerments may be given. However, in its entirety, the teachings will be available for 7 days after the end of the last session for additional viewing.
We’re asking our community to support Tara Mandala financially by considering our tiered-pricing model which we are launching in 2020 to support those in our community that cannot travel due to the pandemic. These are difficult times for everyone, and Tara Mandala is no exception. We encourage you to pay at the highest level within your capacity to support Tara Mandala, our staff, and our sangha. We thank you in advance for your support and your practice!
$300 – Essential Level
Registration at this level helps Tara Mandala cover basic costs of holding this specific retreat, including compensating our teachers.
$365 – Luminous Level (includes a 20% discount for Opening the Heart of Compassion Live Online Program)
Registration at this level helps support basic costs of this retreat, and additionally supports our onsite staff at Tara Mandala during this year of uncertainty.
At this level you have the opportunity of joining Opening the Heart of Compassion Live Program which begins on August 8 and complements the wonderful teachings that H.E. Chung Tulku Rinpoche will provide.
$400 – Mandala Level (includes a 20% discount for Opening the Heart of Compassion Live Online Program)
Registration at this level helps Tara Mandala cover basic costs for this retreat, supports staff, facilities maintenance and other critical operational needs onsite this year.
At this level you also have the opportunity of joining Opening the Heart of Compassion Live Program which begins on August 8 and complements the wonderful teachings that H.E. Chung Tulku Rinpoche will provide.
Any additional contribution to our Annual Fund will allow Tara Mandala Retreat Center to continue to be a year-round center, a repository for wisdom literature, a center for translation, a beacon for the feminine in Buddhism, an active dharma center with weekly dharma study and practice that provides refuge for deep practice and transformation. If you are able to provide a generous contribution beyond the prices listed above, you will also have the opportunity to do so in your registration and/or during the retreat.