Teachings, Courses, & Retreats

Date & Time Details: June 21-23, 2024

Location: MAITREA

Address: Týnská ulička 6, Prague 1, Czech Republic

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Skymind: Opening to the Vast Radiance of our True Nature A Buddhist Meditation Retreat (Retreat in Czech Republic)

With Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam and Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen

June 21 - 23, 2024

Taught in English, with Czech translation

At the heart of Buddhist teachings lies the invitation to rest in our true nature, which is not other than the ground of being from which all things and all beings arise. In every moment of life – even in times of confusion and unrest – this ultimate refuge is accessible to us, offering us support, inspiration and a profound connection to all beings. But this ground also calls on us to open our hearts to all aspects of the human experience – even the most difficult emotions, people and situations. 

This retreat – based on Pieter and Charlotte’s forthcoming book – introduces nature of mind teachings and a meditation practice to access this ground of being in our direct experience. We will reflect on the profound verses of the great 11th century Tibetan yogini Machig Labdrön, and explore ways to make her timeless wisdom applicable in everyday life, awakening our innate wisdom, compassion, and the joy of living itself.  

The teachings of Machig Labdrön have become known in large part through the work of Lama Tsultrim Allione who authorized Pieter and Charlotte as Senior Teachers within her lineage. 

In this retreat you will: 

  • Receive Machig Labdrön’s wisdom teachings. You’ll be encouraged to memorize your favorite Machig verses to inspire and guide your daily life after our retreat.
  • Learn an open awareness meditation practice.
  • Engage in exercises to hone attention and expand awareness.
  • Develop skillful methods for working with difficult emotions, revealing the insight that lies within them.
  • Practice Integration with Elements to connect us to earth, our bodies and spacious awareness
  • Build and enjoy supportive community. 
  • Relate these teachings directly to your life. 

Register Here


Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam
Dorje Lopön Charlotte Z. Rotterdam has studied Tibetan Buddhism since the mid 1990’s, was authorized to teach by Lama Tsultrim Allione in 2006. She received the title of Magyu Lopön, lead teacher of Magyu: The Mother Lineage at Tara Mandala from Lama Tsultrim in 2016, and Dorje Lopön, Vajra Teacher,…
Learn more about Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam
Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen
Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen is a teacher and a long-time student of Tibetan Buddhism. He has been teaching various practices and retreats in Lama Tsultrim’s lineage in the US and abroad since 2006, offering a blend of incisive insight and genuine compassion. He co-leads the Boulder Tara Mandala Sangha with Lopön…
Learn more about Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen