Transference: Enlightenment without Meditation (Retreat in Colorado)
With Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche
September 16 - 22, 2023
With Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche
Tara Mandala invites you to this auspicious opportunity!
In this immersive 7-day retreat, Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche will give the transmission (Tib. lung) and pith instructions (Tib. tri) of the Longchen Nyingthig P’howa, Transference: Enlightenment without Meditation from The Heart-Essence of the Vast Expanse as revealed by the great Dzogchen master Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa.
About Longchen Nyingthig P’howa:
The ability to transfer consciousness into an exalted state at the moment of death allows us to live without the fear of dying. Through P’howa, death becomes an opportunity for liberation instead of a mere severance from what we have known and loved in life. It assures us that we won’t die in a state of spiritual uncertainty and drift helplessly after death. This P’howa practice is from the Longchen Nyingthig terma cycle, and it is a practice that is done for ourselves and others at the time of death.
Who Should Attend?
- This retreat is open to all.
- Members of the Magyu Mother Lineage Program. This retreat fulfills the requirements in Magyu Mother Lineage Program of receiving transmission and instruction on P’howa.
To prepare for your visit, we invite you to read our information on Tara Mandala’s Health & Safety Protocols for In-Person Retreats.
Registration for this retreat closes on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 10:00am (MDT).
The Total Price for this retreat consists of a Room & Board Fee and a Program Fee.
Commuting: Participants choosing this fee option will have access to 3 meals a day (dinner on first day, and breakfast on last day) and the use of Tara Mandala’s facilities during their visit each day while commuting daily.
Standard Room & Board: On a first-come first-serve basis, participants choosing this fee option can choose from Camping, Tent Cabins, Yurt Dorm, and Prajna Double Room lodging. Access to 3 meals a day (dinner on first day, and breakfast on last day) and the use of Tara Mandala’s facilities is included.
Prajna Single Queen Room & Board: Participants choosing this fee option can choose to stay in a Single Prajna Queen Bed Room with shared bathroom. Access to 3 meals a day (dinner on first day, and breakfast on last day) and the use of Tara Mandala’s facilities is included.
Choose this rate if you have the financial security and capacity to support Tara Mandala at a higher level. The contributions we receive within this level make it possible for us to offer a below-cost Access Rate to those practitioners with a limited income.
This rate is for you if you:
- Own your own home and live comfortably without financial worry
- Have investments and savings
- Easily have access to money in times of need or emergencies
- Have the desire to help make the Dharma more accessible to others
Choose this rate if you have the financial capacity to sustain Tara Mandala’s ability to offer high-quality programs. The contributions we gratefully receive at this level enable us to keep our prices low while covering the basic program costs.
This rate is for you if you:
- Have the capacity to meet your basic financial needs
- Make your rent or mortgage and other monthly payments
- Are generally able to purchase new items and experiences for yourself
- Can afford to take trips and go on retreats
Choose this rate if you have limited financial capacity or are currently experiencing financial hardship. The contributions we gratefully receive at this level go toward covering costs and are supported by contributions of those who choose the Generosity Rate.
This rate is for you if you:
- Have difficulty meeting your basic financial needs
- Are experiencing housing, employment, or income instability
- Live paycheck-to-paycheck and and lack money in times of need
- Face challenges due to devaluation of your currency against the US dollar.
Offering dana to the teacher: The practice of offering dana, which means “generosity,” is the traditional offering the student makes to the teacher as a symbol of appreciation, gratitude, and reciprocity for receiving the precious teachings. Information on offering dana to the teacher will be provided during the virtual retreat. To learn more about dana and suggested dana ranges, please click here.
Payment Plans and Financial Assistance
Tara Mandala offers two types of financial assistance: Deferred Payment Plans and Scholarships. You may apply for one or both of these types of assistance. Read the terms carefully as outlined on the financial aid application. Please see this page for further information.
Sustaining Sangha:
If you are currently a member of our Sustaining Sangha, you may apply your Retreat discount to this in-person retreat.
Click Here for Our Onsite Retreat Cancellation and Refund Policy