Our Retreat Cabins
“The retreat cabins are the heart and soul of Tara Mandala. Mountain retreat brings to fruition the guidance of the teacher and gives us unshakable confidence in our practice.”
C.E., Teacher and Mother
“I know it’s time for a solo cabin retreat at Tara Mandala when the feeling of overwhelm is a constant companion. Slowly the world of deadlines and decisions drops away as I settle into my cozy confines, feeling the resonance of those who have come before, knowing the sought-after wisdom is here, awaiting my arrival on the cushion.”
S.G., Ergonomist
We are open for solitary retreats in our cabins. We have implemented new protocols to protect the health and safety of our community and those visiting. Read our information on Safety Guidelines for Visiting Tara Mandala. Please contact our Registrar on this page with any inquiries.
Retreat cabins at Tara Mandala provide a rare and precious opportunity to be completely secluded and alone in a remote mountain setting. Here you are free to maintain intensive practice and connect with your innermost being. The retreat cabins have been created through the loving kindness, generosity, and hard labor of many people. Currently we have five available cabins: Karuna, Luminous Peak, Dragon’s Nest, Two Trees, and Prajnaparamita. All of our cabins are well suited for year-round practice, as they are insulated and have small wood-burning stoves for heat. Please note that the retreat cabins are very rustic, and while this may be part of the allure, it can be challenging to live for any length of time in this setting. Please contact the Registrar on this page for more details.
Cabins are available for retreats for a minimum of three nights to 3+ years. We recommend first time retreatants begin with a retreat of seven (7) days or less. For longer retreats, we recommend and, in some cases, require the permission of a teacher. We suggest that you have the support of your own teacher for a retreat longer than one week. Rates are based on length of retreat. Retreat fees cover cabin rental, fuel (wood and propane), retreatant care (weekly shopping for retreats of more than one week in length), and various supplies. Food is not provided.
Arrival and departure days are Mondays and Fridays.
Minimum stay: 3 nights over a weekend or 7 nights during winter and severe mud in early spring.

Fees include grocery shopping if staying longer than one week.
- 5 nights…………………………………………………….$95/night
- One week………………………………………………….$400
- 2 weeks…………………………………………………….$650
- 3 weeks…………………………………………………….$900
- One month thru 6 months……………………………….$950
- 6 months to one year……………………………………..$850/month
Note: Magyu, Gateway and Osel Nyingtig program students and Sustaining Sangha members over $30 per month receive discounted rates.