“When mind gazes into mind itself, the train of discursive and conceptual thought ends …” ~ Tilopa, the great 11th century mahasiddha
Song of Mahamudra
September 17 – 19
The most profound teachings on Mahamudra and in fact all lineages of Mahamudra meditation have their source in verse teachings from poems and “songs of realization” composed by mahasiddhas. The Song of Mahamudra was sung by Tilopa, the great 11th century mahasiddha, to his disciple Naropa on the banks of the Ganges River more than a thousand years ago.
Since that time, the meaning of Tilopa’s instructions has been passed directly from master to disciple in a continuous stream that exists unbroken to this day.
Over a weekend, Lama Tsultrim will offer a rare glimpse into the Mahamudra oral transmission of one of the lineage’s most learned and accomplished masters. She will offer teachings on Tilopa’s Song of Mahamudra, considered to contain the essence of all teachings. All are welcome.
In the video with Lama Tsultrim below, she talks about these teachings being some of the first she ever received and practiced, and this retreat being the first time she has ever taught them. To watch this section of the video, click here »
Feeding Your Demons®
Levels I, II, and Full Certification
“Bringing the shadow to awareness reduces its destructive power and releases its life energy.” ~ Lama Tsultrim Allione, from her book Feeding Your Demons
Lama Tsultrim’s Feeding Your Demons® (FYD) helps us transform our challenges into experiences of awakening, and has benefited thousands worldwide.
On September 11, the FYD Online Program begins with Level I, while FYD Level II begins on September 4. In this program you will experience video teachings and guided meditations with Lama Tsultrim, with live teachings and guidance from Magyu Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam and Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen.
For registration and to learn more, visit the following links:
• Level I – click here »
• Level II – click here »
• Full Certification – click here »
What Will I Learn?
- Learn the history, theory, and practice of FYD, which is based on an ancient Buddhist healing practice.
- Discover how to work with afflictive emotions and habitual patterns, unraveling their roots and discovering your own innate wisdom.
- Gain a deeper understanding of what drains your energy and preoccupies your mind, learning how to liberate these patterns.
- Learn how to work with personal and family demons.
- Understand the interconnectedness of your emotional patterns, and how a single pattern can impact multiple areas of your life.
- Integrate the practice by working with clay and art, to more fully express and feel the process of transformation.
- Acquire powerful and uniquely flexible tools to help relieve the suffering of others as a therapist, coach, or facilitator.
- Establish a regular, transformational meditation practice that integrates seamlessly with your established life and work.
‘Live’ Webcast – Oral Transmission (Tib. Lung) for:
Green Tara, Chöd of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, and Riwo Sangchö • September 26
A Lung is an oral transmission of a practice, not a teaching. In the Tibetan tradition it is understood that during the Lung, the student receives a direct transmission of the practice which connects them to the blessing stream of the lineage: from the teacher giving the Lung, to her teacher, and his teacher, all the way back to the original source of the practice … Learn more »
Green Tara ‘Live’ – Online Course
With Magyu Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam and Lama Tsultrim Allione • Begins October 2
In this 8-week online course, you have the opportunity to learn to embody Green Tara, the female Buddha of compassion, who provides protection from fears and obstacles. Experience video teachings and guided meditations with Lama Tsultrim, with live teachings and guidance from Magyu Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam … Learn more »
Wisdom Rising: Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine
Begins November 6
Join Lama Tsultrim live for 4 webcasts in this 7-week course. With over 12 hours of video teachings, guided meditations, study, and activities, Lama Tsultrim will guide you through the development of the feminine in Buddhism and introduce the mandala principle and its importance to western and eastern psychology … Learn more »
Sahaja: Spontaneous Union Retreat
Blue Spirit Retreat Center, Costa Rica • March 5 – 12, 2022
An extraordinary week-long retreat of precious teachings at the Blue Spirit Retreat Center in Costa Rica with special guests, Deva Primal and Miten. This retreat will be based on the ancient Buddhist tantric teachings of Sahaja, brought into the modern context. Lama Tsultrim will share the spontaneous liberation teachings of the eighth century yogis and yoginis such as Saraha, Sahajayoginicinta, and the Mahasiddhas. We will be practicing integration with the sky and sea, and spontaneous union through the senses … Learn more »
We look forward to welcoming you for these precious moments with Lama Tsultrim Allione.
~With Blessings,
Tara Mandala